It felt like time to go in search of MOXIE again. And where better to start than down a well known back lane in Glasgow

The words for the Moxie Blues came from reading a biography about Peggy Lee who at an early stage of her career briefly lost her moxie.

Below is a quote from the book and a review of the song by Blues Bunny.

The arrangement is by Wild Biscuit and the song was originally released in 2018. 

                                                   Finding out about MOXIE

                In search of  MOXIE 


The track MOXIE BLUES - track 14 on RIVER TO SEA -  was played via OUT OF THE WOODS RADIO on

radio stations in British Columbia, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington,  California, Iowa, California, Montana, West Virginia, New York,

 Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, Wisconsin,  Louisiana, and Michigan