
For as long as it lasts
Three is a favorite number
Two can dance like Ginger and Fred
One is mostly better than none

Zero is for when you’re dead

Having one can be better than none at all
Having something can be better than nothing
It depends very much on what the something is
It depends very much on the nothing

For as long as it lasts
It could be worse
I’ll avoid the word
That rhymes with worse

But you’ll guess what it is
It’s better to be
Out and about
Than in one

And free

To repeat this rhyme
Each time you feel
It could be better
Better can be

Not much better
Than what you’ve got
It can be better to be
At one with your lot

For as long as it lasts
Three is a favorite number
Two can dance like Ginger and Fred
One is mostly better than none

Four three two and one
Is the title of this could be
Better song
And until a better one comes along
This one is better than none

For as long as it lasts
Three is a favorite number
Two can dance like ginger and Fred
One is mostly better than none